Minecraft-Forge Server install/launcher script
Oct 20, 2017 - Download. This is an additional file related to All the Mods 3: Lite v2.1. Server Files.zip. View Boomflex's. All The Mods 3 - Simplified - Lets Play Playing Minecraft with ATM3 in simplified packmode Going over what to download and how to setup a Modded Minecraft server.
Created and supported by the All The Mods Team with special thanks to @OrdinatorStouff and @Dijkstra
GitHub: https://github.com/AllTheMods/Server-Scripts
AllTheMods Discord: https://discord.gg/FdFDVWb
Originally created for use in 'All The Mods' modpacks, but is free for anyone to use, modify or distribute provided the conditions of the custom license (detailed below) are met.
OS Batch/Script to help install/run modpack servers. Available for Windows and Linux (Bash).
These scripts will fetch the appropriate Forge installer and install it. This will also install Mojang's distribution-restricted Minecraft binary and the required libraries.
After Forge/Minecraft are installed, the same script will act as a launcher to start the server, with an auto-restart-after-crash feature as well. (No need for a separate 'install' script). It's also adaptable to smoothly transition to new versions of Forge even on existing servers that have already been setup. If the installed Forge version is different from what's supplied in the settings.cfg, the script will remove the old Forge and re-download and install the version specified. The script also performs many basic checks such as looking for a valid Java version installed and checking that EULA.txt has been updated.
All relevant settings are in the easily accessible 'settings.cfg' file; Modpack creators can specify their pack's Minecraft and Forge versions, and server operators can specify JVM args and RAM allocation as desired.
IF THERE ARE ANY ISSUESPlease make a report on the github linked above
Do not modify ServerStart.bat
or ServerStart.sh
All settings are modified in settings.cfg
Windows: ServerStart.Bat
Linux: bash ServerStart.sh
(must be bash, not shell/sh)
OPTIONAL There is an 'install only' option that will setup all required files but NOT automatically run the server. Simply pass the option 'install' after the script from a prompt.
There is also options for the ServerStart.sh file that will skip the user's input if wanted using '-a' or '--auto'. Also, for install only for Serverstart.sh, by passing in '-i' or '--install'

All The Mods 3 Modpack

Formatting is very important for it to load correctly:
- No spaces around the equal sign
- One setting per line
Setting | Description | Example Value |
MAX_RAM | How much max RAM to allow the JVM to allocate to the server | 5G |
JAVA_ARGS | The defaults provided should be best for most people, but can be edited if desired | See Below |
CRASH_COUNT | The max number of consecutive crashes that each occur within so many seconds of each other. If max is reaches, the script will exit. This is to stop spamming restarts of a server with a critical issue. | 8 |
CRASH_TIMER | The number of seconds to consider a crash within to be 'consecutive' | 600 |
RUN_FROM_BAD_FOLDER | The scripts will not run from 'temp' folders or 'system' folders. If you want to force allow this, change the value to 1 | 0 |
IGNORE_OFFLINE | The scripts will not run if a connection to the internet can not be found. If you want to force allow (i.e. to run a server for local/LAN only) then set to 1 . Note, however that it will need internet connection to at least perform initial download/install of the Forge binaries | 0 |
IGNORE_JAVA_CHECK | By default, the script will stop/error if it can not find 64-bit Java 1.8 or 1.9. Some packs might be able to run with less than 4G or RAM or on older 1.7 java. If you want to use an older version or are limited to a 32-bit OS, setting this to 1 will let the script continue | 0 |
USE_SPONGE | Mostly unsupported and experimental. If set to 1 script will attempt to launch SpongeBootstrap but only if the bootstrap is present and SpongeForge is in Mods folder. This will not download/setup the required files either, merely launch the pack using them. Sponge can cause undocumented errors and conflicts and therefore it's use is rarely supported by modpack developers. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK and only if you know what you're doing | 0 |
HIGH_CPU_PRIORITY | This will attempt to start the Java process in a higher priority than 'normal.' This shouldn't have a major negative impact on the host computer but if it's causing conflicts or taking too much CPU time you can try disabling. Linux implementation is still WIP (TODO) | 1 |
MODPACK_NAME | Pack name to add flavor/description to script as it's running. Quotes are not needed. Can contain spaces. Technically can be very long, but will work better if short/concise (i.e. 'Illumination' would be much better to use than 'All The Mods Presents: Illumination') | All The Mods |
DEFAULT_WORLD_TYPE | Allows for changing the type of world used. | BIOMESOP |
MCVER | Target Minecraft version. Usually set by pack dev before distributing and not intended to be changed by end-users. Must be complete/exact and matching the version on Forge's website (i.e. 1.10 is not the same as 1.10.2 ) | 1.10.2 |
FORGEVER | Target Forge version. Usually set by pack dev before distributing and not intended to be changed by end-users. Requires the full version and exactly matching Forge's website. (i.e. 2254 will not work, but will) | |
FORGEURL | Direct url to a Forge 'installer' jar. Mostly for debugging purposes, but if a URL is specified, the Forge installer of this link will be downloaded regardless of the previous settings.* | DISABLE |
*NOTE: Another debug/bypass options is for modpack creators to package and redistribute the forge installer matching their desired version as long as it's name matches the format: forge-<MinecraftVersion>-<ForgeVersion>-installer.jar
If included, none will need to be downloaded first.
Optional Java Arguments
All The Mods 3 Lite Server Download
Java can be tweaked with launch settings that can sometimes improve the performance of Minecraft over default (no launch options), especially for 1.10+ and larger packs such as All The Mods.
These basic settings are recommended for general use for any modpack:
There are many opinions on what's considered good or not-so-good to use for JVM args that change from person-to-person, and over time. The settings above were based on this great discussion/explanation by CPW, the lead dev of EnderIO and a prominent contributor to the Forge project.
All The Mods 3 Download

Mojang's Minecraft EULA is extremely open and forgiving, going so far as to 'encourage you to do cool stuff.' One of the very few explicit restrictions and 'the one major rule' prohibits re-distributing Minecraft or any part of it (including the Minecraft server binary files):
'In order to ensure the integrity of the Game, we need all Game downloads and updates to come from an authorized source. It's also important for us that 3rd party tools/services don't seem 'official' as we can't guarantee their quality. It's part of the responsibility we have to the customers of Minecraft.'
This means that any modpack team/developer that wants to provide users with a ready-to-use server file package can't provide all the binaries and therefore would be incomplete. This script bridges that gap by dynamically fetching and installing MinecraftForge. The forge installer conveniently fetches the Minecraft binaries from Mojang's servers as well as the required library files as well providing a seamless 'install' step followed by launching/running the server after initial setup.
From there we decided we wanted to go all-out providing as many features and configuration options as possible to make setting up and running a server as easy as possible. We want this to be more than just a simple 'workaround' to the distribution restriction, but a full-featured option for server operators that don't use a control panel or management software.
The only reason we included a license is because we wanted it to be easier for more people to use/share this. Some places (i.e. Curse) need some form of 'official' notice allowing content to be used. Since we were making a license anyway, we thought it would be nice to add an attribution clause so others didn't try to claim our work as their own. The result is this custom license based on a combination of the MIT license and a couple parts from Vaskii's Botania/Psi license:
'All The Mods Team' is not affiliated with 'Mojang,' 'Oracle,' 'Curse,' 'Twitch,' 'Sponge,' 'Forge' or any other entity (or entity owning a referenced product) potentially mentioned in this document or relevant source code for this Software. The use of their names and/or trademarks is strictly circumstantial and assumed fair-use. All credit for their respective works, software, branding, copyrights and/or trademarks belongs entirely to them as original owners/licensers.