Start watching your favorite anime immediately for free, or sign-up for a 14-day free trial of the Premium membership to enjoy the following features:
Stream new episodes immediately after TV broadcast in Japan
Watch all shows ad-free in HD quality on all available devices (including Chromecast!)
Purchase, download, and read manga in our brand new Manga Shop, including favorites like Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail, The Seven Deadly Sins, and more!
Join other anime fans in the Crunchyroll community at and
Crunchyroll licenses all its content directly and legally to bring you the best and most recent shows from Asia and support the content creators of hit series including Hunter X Hunter, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Blue Exorcist, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, Yuri!!! On ICE, Samurai Champloo, and many more!
Anime-dl is a command-line program to download anime from CrunchyRoll. Download complete anime episodes. Batch download high quality videos from. Support similar popular Anime video sites including: bilibili, Crunchyroll, AniTousen, FUNimation. How to Download KissAnime videos? Many of us would like to download videos from KissAnime for playback offline. Here is an article of downloading videos from such a website. In the article, 3 methods are provided, and all of the methods could. Tap on download bubble. When you open an anime, a red download bubble appears on the left bottom corner of your screen. Tap on the download bubble to view the download links and choose the quality in which you want to download the anime.
Switch tabs from “Detect” to “Download” queue to see the duration of the of the download
Step4 Watch your downloaded video
Finally, you can now watch and enjoy your downloaded anime episode. You may find your downloaded videos in “Completed” from the download tab. Double click or Right click to play the video.Get your Favorite Anime Using SaveVid
SaveVid is another excellent online video downloader that will allow you to download not just anime videos but also videos from other video sharing websites like Facebook, Dailymotion, Vimeo. Ustream, Vine and many more. You can utilize the website by simply copying the URL of your target video then paste it into the URL box located on the main website of this program.
Step1 Go to SaveVid Wesbite
SaveVid is a web-based video downloader, to download videos from here, the first thing you need to do is visit SaveVid website here.Step2 Copy and Paste your target video URL
After that, you may go to your target video. Copy its link and paste it in the URL Box on the SaveVid website.Step3 Download video
Once the URL is posted click the “Download” button to proceed.Step4 Choose Format and Download
Before downloading the application, you have to choose the format and the server that you prefer then click the “Download” button beside it.Acethinker Video Downloader Free Online
Another brilliant video downloader you can free to use it the Video Downloader Free Online. It is a web-based video downloader that means, you don’t have to download any software to download videos. It is internet dependent. You can download Youtube videos from here and other popular video sharing sites like Facebook, Dailymotion, Vevo. Veoh and many more. This website also contains different formats according to your needs. To demonstrate the process on how to download videos on it, we will fetch a video from Crunchyroll. Simply follow the simple guidelines below.
Step1 Copy and paste the link of the target video
First, go to Crunchyroll and search for the Anime episode that you want to download. In this sample “One Piece” was downloaded. Then use the shortcut download bar to paste the copied link. Click “Fetch” to initiate the download.Step2 Choose Format
Free Anime Downloads Mp4
Next , wait for the tool to recognize the file. Once detected, it will show you another window that contains several formats that might be compatible with your device.Step3 Download the video
Finally, to get the video that you wish to download, hover your mouse to the blue download button. For the final touch, right-click and choose “Save link as” until the download is completed.How To Download Anime Videos On Amazon Fire
Top Anime Sites for Anime Fanatics
Due to their increasing demand, website that host anime videos increase tremendously as time goes by. However, for the sake of all anime fanatics, we have been able to sort out the top anime site just for you.
- Crunchyroll – This first anime video site on our list do have a huge collection of most famous anime favorites. Aside from anime videos you can also view other videos.
- AnimeCrazy – If you are looking for a top-quality anime videos you can always try Animecrazy. This site also caters a bunch of anime videos all that are currently in demand. You can watch every episode of your favorite anime for free.
- Animefreak.Tv – If you are looking for an alternative anime video site with a twist, then you must try this site. Aside from varieties of anime videos to choose from, you can also interact with your co-anime fanatic by using its chatroom feature.
- Anime44 – The last on our list do also have a wide range of anime videos just like the other sites on our list. What makes this site different is that it has a category for you to read manga comics for free.
For more anime sites for watching anime videos online, you can visit Top Anime Websites.