The title of your post: 'Android, official download location for google play apk for testing?' If it was 'Testing Google Play Store integration on an emulator' or some such, it might be passable. But really, get someone to test it for you, or prepare to waste many hours trying to get the Play Store to work on the emulator. Aug 15, 2018 - Select the country you wish to set as your new Play Store location. Don't Miss: How to Change Your iPhone's App Store Country to Download.
I have some functionality for rating my app and for viewing/installing other apps I have on the marketplace that I need to test in the android avd emulator. To do this I need to have the latest google play apk installed but I am unsure of the official location to download this from so I can install it on to the emulator.

Play Store Download For Pc

Lot's of the sources I have found are for file sharing sites and out of date apks and I would be grateful for a link to the official apk. For some reason best known to themselves I don;t seem to be ble to get it from the main google play site. this is most confusing!
Or is there another way to test market app functionality on an emulator?
2 Answers
what you are looking for is: 'market://details?id=' + APP_PNAME
I strongly recommend using the android code snippet app rater
good luck
First, this is not a programming question. Second, there is no such thing as an 'official download location'. The Play Store application is only available on licensed devices. Even if you pulled the apk from your device, it won't run on the emulator as is, since it requires other components as well. So, test on a real device if you need access to the Market/Play store.