MCQs MCQs for the Primary FRCA Questions 90 Regarding medical ultrasound (a) ultrasound is a form of pressure wave (b) the frequency of ultrasound is between 20 Hz and 20, 000 Hz (c) the speed of ultrasound is 1540 m/s (d) the Doppler shift is a change in wavelength when either the source of the ultrasound or the detector is moving (e) a.
Final FRCA in a Box (Cards)
Published by Taylor & Francis Ltd, United Kingdom(2012)
ISBN 10: 1853159190ISBN 13: 9781853159190
Quantity Available: 10
From: Book Depository International(London, United Kingdom)
Add to BasketAbout this Item: Taylor & Francis Ltd, United Kingdom, 2012. Cards. Condition: New. Language: English. Brand new Book. Following on from the success of Primary FRCA in a Box comes Final FRCA in a Box, a collection of over 200 revision flashcards on almost all the topics needed to pass the final part of the Royal College of Anaesthetists' examination. All key areas of the final syllabus are covered, written, and edited by top anaesthetists in each specialist field of anaesthetics. The cards are in easy-to-learn note format and include lots of vital diagrams to aid understanding and that are easy to reproduce in the final examination. Topics are cross-referenced to appropriate topics in the Primary exam (and Primary FRCA in a Box flashcards). Final FRCA in a Box is an essential tool for effective revision and preparation for the Final FRCA examination.These flashcards are recommended for all qualified and trainee anaesthetists and their trainers, and related health professionals. Seller Inventory # AA69781853159190
Primary Frca In A Box Free Download For Windows
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The LIFTL website has put together an amazing compendium of videos by Tyler DeWitt, (PhD in Microbiology from MIT), covering many of the difficult and poorly understood chemistry theories that are pertinent to medical sciences.
Topics are relevant to the primary FRCA curriculum, wide ranging and cover topics such as phases of matter, moles, molarity and solutions.

The LITFL compendium is here:
Primary Frca In A Box free. download full
There are also further videos on Tyler's youtube playlist: (which include other relevant topics such as Fuel cells.)
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