Download Peace Like a River Audiobook. Peace Like a River is seductive and chatty and deliciously American and there are passages so wondrous and wise you’ll want to claw yourself with pleasure. Top Downloads. Becoming by Michelle Obama. Hell's Corner by David Baldacci. Peace Like a River. 0.0 0 5 Author: Leif Enger Narrator: Chad Lowe. As audiobook. Born with no air in his lungs, it was only when Reuben Land's father, Jeremiah, picked him up and commanded him to breathe that Reuben's lungs filled. Reuben struggles with debilitating asthma from then on, making him a boy who knows firsthand that life is a gift. Read Peace Like a River by Leif Enger and Chad Lowe by Leif Enger and Chad Lowe by Leif Enger, Chad Lowe for free with a 30 day free trial. Peace Like A River is at once a heroic quest, a tragedy, a love story, and a haunting meditation on the possibility of magic. More Audiobooks By Leif Enger. Skip carousel.
Table of Contents
• Setting
• Character List
• Conflict
• Short Summary (Synopsis)
• Themes
• Mood
• Leif Enger - Biography
Chapter Summaries & Analysis
• Clay
• His Separate Shadow
• Beauteous Are My Cakes Indeed
• Your Toughened Heart
• Peeking At Eternity
• When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll
• Late In The Night When The Fires Are Out
• A Boy On A Horse
• By The Grace Of Lurvy
• The Substance Of Things Hoped For
• The Last Thing He Would Do
• At War With This Whole World
• Something Warm
• The Skin Bag
• Under The Gibbon Moon
• The Throbbing Heart Of News
• The Little Man's Country
• Winning Her Hand
• Boy Ready
• The Ledger Of Our Decisions
• The Red Farm
• Be Jubilant, My Feet
• The Curious Music That I Hear
Overall Analysis
• Character Analysis
• Plot Structure Analysis
• Author's Style
• Rising Action
• Falling Action
• Point of View
• Themes - Theme Analysis
• Foreshadowing
• Irony
• Personification
• Quotes / Quotations and Analysis
• Symbolism / Motifs / Metaphors / Imagery / Symbols
• Key Facts
Study Questions
• Study Questions / Multiple Choice Quiz
• Answer Key
• Essay Topics - Book Report Ideas
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Preview — Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
Once in a great while, we encounter a novel in our voluminous reading that begs to be read aloud. Leif Enger's debut, Peace Like a River, is one such work. His richly evocative novel, narrated by an asthmatic 11-year-old named Reuben Land, is the story of Reuben's unusual family and their journey across the frozen Badlands of the Dakotas in search of his fugitive older bro...more
Published August 7th 2002 by Atlantic Monthly Press (first published 2001)
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Popular Answered Questions
JaylanIt completely has that vibe. I actually say that the siblings remind me of Scout and Jem in TKAM.
Diane LaughlinIt is on page 92 in my paperback copy. 'And predictably, chaos accompanied belligerence into office.'
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Rating details
Dec 15, 2016
Charlotte May rated it
really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: historical-fiction, faith, favourites, tear-jerker
This is a wonderful tale of the strength of family during hardships and struggle. The oldest child of Jeremiah Land - Davey gets into a fight with the local thugs when they break into his home and threaten the safety of his younger siblings. One of the two is killed and suddenly Davey is up for manslaughter. He hits the road, leaving his family with no clue where he's gone and how bad things will get if he is discovered.
If you can't stomach religion then maybe put this one aside as it has a heav...more
Apr 30, 2008Beth rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
2016 REVIEW:
I just re-read this one for book club. After almost eight years, it was good to revisit it and rediscover what I loved about it. I remembered loving the characters (especially Reuben and Swede) and the setting (the desolation of the Dakota Badlands). I remembered loving the writing: absolutely some of the best writing I've encountered in all the books I've read.
I remembered almost nothing of the plot besides fugitive Davy and the family in the Airstream trailer, so it was an especia...more

Oct 10, 2017Julie rated it it was ok
I have added braided extensions to my hair, dolled up my face with bad 80s makeup and donned my largest hoop earrings. I now turn to the ladies of my book club as I sing:
Do you really want to hurt me?
Do you really want to make me cry?
Because you must. You must want to hurt me. You must want to darken and deepen that annoying vertical line that spontaneously popped up between my eyebrows when I turned 40. You must want me to appear haggard and aged, by making this our upcoming November read.
You m...more
Aug 14, 2015
Snotchocheez rated it
it was amazingRecommends it for: Curiously enough: Bible-thumpers, card-carrying NRA members, and the rest of us bookworms
How do I write this to persuade the uninitiated how great Peace Like a River is without seeming like a freak?
A cursory glance at the synopsis should've had me running for the hills. At its core, its about good old-fashioned family values, faith (read: religion), and 'miracles' (read: divine intervention). It also features Zane Grey/Louis L'amour-influenced epic poetry (as penned by a precocious 8 year-old), narration by an asthmatic 11 year-old, desperadoes and fugitives from the law like Butc...more
Oct 05, 2018Cheri rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
”When I was born to Helen and Jeremiah Land, in 1951, my lungs refused to kick in.
“My father wasn’t in the delivery room or even in the building…Dad had gone out to pace in the damp September wind. He was praying, rounding the block for the fifth time, when the air quickened. He opened his eyes and discovered he was running—sprinting across the grass toward the door.”
When his father made it to the room where Reuben lay, the doctor was holding his mother’s hand, saying that it had been unavoid...more
I'm rereading this again for a book club I'm hosting. It is one of my all-time favorite books because it has GREAT writing, a wonderful message, a twisting plot and has laugh out loud parts. When people ask me for a book to read, this is the first one I recommend.
One of my all time favorites !
This was such a great book! Don't miss this one!
Nostalgic, chock-full of miracles, poetic, a beautiful coming of age story, the love of family and friends, tragic, beautifully written, this book has it all. A classic. Loved it.
Apr 19, 2017
Sara rated it
it was amazing Shelves: borrowed-from-library, literary-fiction, magical-realism
I laughed; I cried. Real tears that streamed down my face and came from my heart. I loved each of these characters, invested in them, rooted for them, felt their pain (both physical and emotional), and feared for their bodies and their souls. Leif Enger is a superb writer.
I love books that are told from the point of view of adolescents when the writer is able to tell the tale without being overly dismissive or have the character be overly clever. Reuben Land is as balanced and clueless as Scout...more
Jan 22, 2008Robert Beveridge rated it did not like it
Leif Enger, Peace Like a River (Grove, 2001)
Oh, what has happened to Grove Press? The folks that made their name publishing scandalous novels by James Joyce, Henry Miller, William S. Burroughs, and the like publishing what may be the least controversial novel of the last ten years? It hurts my heart, folks, it really does. Please, Grove, stick to what you know.
It wouldn't be so bad if there were more about this piece of smarmy claptrap to like. I haven't decided whether this is a good thing or a...more
Apr 23, 2008
Becky Rhoads rated it
it was amazingPeace Like A River Novel
Recommends it for: Melinda Deffenbaugh, Holly Deffenbaugh
Just finished this book. Highly recommend it! It is a very creative story, full of wonderful prose, and characters you come to love, admire and hate. Very interesting spiritual theme running throughout the book. It is clear the author has some understanding of the miraculous! This is certainly not a story that has what we would call a happy ending, but surprises you and on some level it makes sense. And the ending is not even the most important thing - it is walking the journey with these charac...more
This book is definitely one of my favorites! Highly recommend!
I hope to catch up on my reviews next week.....sigh....
Feb 10, 2017Cindy Rollins rated it it was amazing
Just as beautiful as before. I enjoyed Chad Lowe's narration this time around.
Deeply moving, organically told tale with lovely character development. Highly recommended.
Aug 06, 2018Lorna rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Peace Like a River is a stunningly beautiful and memorable debut novel by author Lief Enger, that left me breathless and in tears. This classic tale is related by our eleven-year old narrator, Rueben Land, and assisted by his eight-year old sister Swede. Once immersed and in the rhythm of this sometimes sparse but beautiful prose, one becomes deeply involved in the tale of the Land family and the pull of family bonds and the resilience of those ties. Rueben Land is convinced that miracles abound...more
I wanted to love it, and I did love it--until about halfway through. The book's characters are drawn well; they are unique and full of individuality. The plot is well paced up through the suspense of the oldest brother's trial for double murder. From then on, the book dissolves into a strange mix of cowboy western and religious fable. The plot loses steam, and I lost interest. The ending was tragically disappointing, the characters lose their depth, and their choices seem forced.
Among the many glowing reviews for Peace Like a River, there is this:
'Peace Like a River serves as a reminder of why we read fiction to begin with: to commune with a vividly, lovingly rendered world, to lose ourselves in story and language and beauty, to savor what we don't want to end yet know must.'
I would add that I read to meet and know fascinating characters. At any rate, the reviewer got it right — Peace Like a River by Leif Enger, has all this and more.
Character: Reuben Land, an 11-year-...more
Mar 11, 2013Katie Ziegler (Life Between Words) rated it it was amazing
This was a reread of a favorite. I absolutely loved it as much this time around as I did the first. Beautiful. Poignant. Full of tragedy, heartbreak, healing, love, and profound faith. It feels a little like a western, and a lot like a “great American novel” - and it’s filled with iconic lovable characters. And if Swede isn’t reminiscent of Scout Finch...well, go reread To Kill a Mockingbird. A story about a father’s love for his children, siblings love for one another, growing up, and miracles....more
Dec 15, 2013Ron Charles rated it it was amazing
'Peace Like a River' opens with the narrator's stillbirth. 'My lungs refused to kick in,' Reuben writes in a moment that's at once terrifying and reassuring. While the doctor mumbles platitudes and his mother wails, Reuben's father senses that something's wrong. He sprints across the parking lot, back into the hospital, up into the room, and punches the doctor to get to his limp son. 'Reuben Land,' he commands, 'in the name of the living God I am telling you to breathe.'
How wonderful that the wo...more
Nov 16, 2009Maggie Stiefvater rated it it was amazing
It's been weeks since I read this book, and yet I keep forgetting to write a review for it. Why? Well, for starters, I usually have the book around and its presence reminds me to review it. Not so with this novel, which I have bought three times while traveling for my own novel, and given away twice before I could get it home with me. It's just that kind of book, where you want to go 'oh man, take this.'
To call it a Western is to scare off everyone who finds Clint Eastwood a little bit of a turn...more
Feb 16, 2013☮Karen rated it really liked it
A wonderful coming of age story of two children, with beautiful prose and a few miracles and life lessons thrown in for good measure.
The characters are what made this such an enjoyable read for me. Swede, so wise beyond her eight years, loves anything pertaining to the American West and writes amazing poetry about cowboys. Her eleven year old asthmatic brother, Reuben, the narrator of the tale, and their father head West in their Airstream to find the oldest son Davey, who has escaped from jail...more
Absolutely perfect from first page to last. It's been ages since I've thought that about a book.
I loved all the characters, as well as the story, which centers around the perspective of witnessing, loyalty, family ties, faith, character and miracles.
This book spans a short time period (maybe a half- or three quarters-year) but it's so packed with story and life that it seems to span years.
The writing is beautiful, with humour throughout.
I highly recommend this book. Loved it.
Remember the good old days? When bad and good were clearly defined black and white. When no one cursed or drank strong liquor. When children never sassed their parents. When no one had sex (or genitals). Well, me neither. But if there's anybody who does long for such a mythical time, have I got the 'Boy's Life' adventure for you! In Leif Enger's 'Peace Like A River,' young Reuben Land lives in the Midwest with his father, who is touched by God to the point where he glows in the dark; his sister...more
Nov 26, 2013Douglas Wilson rated it it was amazing
One of the most satisfying novels I have read.
Jan 13, 2010Brandy rated it liked it
This is such a difficult book to rate. I have so many differing opinions about this book that I would say it ranges from a 3 to a 4, although I don't necessarily think it is a book that I feel made a huge impact on my life, which is what I usually save 4 and 5 star ratings for. Nevertheless, I felt the writing in this book was good enough that I put it at a 4 instead of a 3. I just changed my mind and am putting it at a 3 because 4 star books I will probably read again, but I don't think I will...more
Jun 22, 2009Julie Christine rated it it was amazing
Once in a distant while there comes a novel that brings me to tears as I turn its final pages. It is the combination of a compelling story, vital characters, and sublime writing that fill me with awe at the writer's ability and sorrow in bidding farewell to such a treasure. Wallace Stegner's Crossing to Safety, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird are a few that have made a powerful impact.
Leif Enger's Peace Like A River touched me in a similar way. Less so for...more
An extraordinary piece of classic literature!
I loved the characters of the Land family and their lives; their sadness, their triumphs, hardscrabble life, deep faith. Davy, the oldest boy/son, takes due revenge on two bad seeds for messing around with his girlfriend and then his sister, Swede. The two are basically young punks at school with nothing to do but cause trouble and make threats. Bullies. Davy gets arrested for his actions (they don’t) and is put in jail and it doesn’t look good for h...more
This might be my favorite book.
I love the writing style. Randy and I read it aloud and that was perfect because there are so many quotable moments.
Here's a review I found that describes it better than I can:
'A rich mixture of adventure, tragedy, and healing, ' Peace Like a River is 'a collage of legends from sources sacred and profane -- from the Old Testament to the Old West, from the Gospels to police dramas' (Ron Charles, The Christian Science Monitor). In 'lyrical, openhearted prose' (Mich...more
This book found its way onto my shelf as a part of my daughter's summer reading list. There are big echoes of 'To Kill A Mockingbird' here and - in certain ways - I found this book superior. It is certainly better written and uses an especially impressive vocabulary.
A few inconsistencies kept me from loving it outright. I don't believe an eleven year old school drop-out in 1963 North Dakota would measure things in millimeters. And one cannot wax eloquent about the gibbous moon one night and then...more
From the ruminations on miracles in the opening pages, I knew this charming novel would strike the right chord with me.
“Peeping chicks at Easter time, spring generally, a clear sunrise after an overcast week - a miracle people say, as if they’ve been educated from greeting card. I’m sorry but nope. Such things are worth our notice every day of the week, but to call them miracles evaporates the strength of the word
Real miracles bother people, like strange sudden pains unknown in medical literatur...more
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Leif Enger was raised in Osakis, Minnesota, and worked as a reporter and producer for Minnesota Public Radio for nearly twenty years. He lives on a farm in Minnesota with his wife and two sons.
His writing is a smooth mix of romanticism and gritty reality, recalling the Old West's greatest cowboy stories.
Enger's novel, Peace Like a River, was one of Time magazine's top-five novels of the year 2001...more
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